My playlists always have a theme related to the purpose for which they are created, for example summer parties, relaxing on the deck, cruising the internet or introspection. I keep my playlists fresh by adding theme appropriate songs I hear on the radio and on streaming services. I do have an older bias as that is what the bulk of my library is, but I do add new music.
I will always try to include songs that will twig people’s memories. It’s fun to see people’s reactions when they hear something familiar that they’ve not heard for 20+ years. I will also include new songs to introduce folks to what is currently happening in music. With the advent of personal music devices and libraries, I feel fewer people (talkin’ ‘bout my generation) are listening to the radio or streaming music, thus they’re not getting as introduced to new music as they might have been in the past. My wife’s and daughter’s listening choices provide me with insights into songs that I would not have sought out on my own.
I enjoy creating playlists; look for them in the Playlists section (quelle surprise, eh?). This harkens back to the days where we had parties and created mix tapes that we listened to as we cruised in our cars. An important feature of playlists for me is one we did not have with mix tapes – the ability to have random song play. While I know what is on a playlist, I appreciate not knowing what song comes on next. That unknown “what’s next?” element is a key reason I still listen to radio and streaming services.