Hipgnosis Cover Art

Along with Roger Dean, Hipgnosis was a favourite album cover art designer of mine.  They were responsible for remarkable cover art for bands like Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, T Rex, 10cc, Styx, Electric Light Orchestra among many others.  Their cover art for Dark Side of the Moon is iconic. Hipgnosis …

The Rolling Stones Mobile Studio

Not only are the Rolling Stones one of the most influential rock bands of all time, they are also responsible for creating the groundbreaking mobile recording studio: the Rolling Stones Mobile Studio (wiki link).  Ian Stewart, the band’s road manager and pianist oversaw the creation of the first unit in …

Best of Drums

The best songs are comprised of excellence from all components of the band.  Often the leads (vocals, guitarists, keyboards) get more attention from fans and the media, so I’d like to put the spotlight on those sections that perhaps spend less time in the spotlight.  I’ll focus on bass, drums …

The Guild of Blues

As mentioned in other posts, I am a fan of the blues.  I was thinking about how best to describe my journey of discovery from the early ’70’s to today,  and I saw it in three phases: the original bluesmen, the adoption of that style by the young (at the …

Driving & Cruising Playlists

What constitutes a great driving song?  In my mind, it’s one that really makes you want to “get at it”.  You’ll feel the urge to go a little faster, you’ll be more focused on the car and traffic; you’re into the song.  You’ll hug the road a little tighter.  The …

Stranded on a Desert Isle

Put aside the mundane practicalities such as electricity, stereo etc., and consider that you are stranded on a desert island with one record.  What is it? I first thought of this concept way back in the dark ages of LPs, 8 tracks and home & car stereos.  We didn’t have …