These are very interesting & scary times. With all that’s going on in the world, it is very easy to get scared, frustrated, and angry. Dealing with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic can be daunting, and it could be easy to just give up. Don’t give up. We are all in this together, and we need each other to do our parts as best we can.
In these challenging times, music plays an important role. Music can inspire us, give us hope, and be just plain fun. It is important that we retain these perspectives as we go about our daily lives in new ways.
I wanted a playlist that inspired a sense of fight and hope. It also has elements of togetherness, reflection, love & inspiration. It starts off with an anthem from Bruce Springsteen and ends with an anthem from Melanie. I trust that this playlist will lift you up & get you set to take on the challenges of this new world.
Stay safe.