We love music. It’s an important companion in life, and we want to share our experiences and perspectives with you.
We want this site to be a place where music can be enjoyed, and where music can be discovered, whether it’s a new release or a past gem uncovered. We want this to be a place that you can find playlists you enjoy, and material you can add to your own playlists. While we’ll provide some comments and details on the music, we won’t get into exhaustive detail; there are other sites that do a better job of this if you’re interested (see Useful Links section).
We intend to grow across the many genres of music. We are starting out in the very broad rock & pop genres, with forays into blues and jazz. We’d like to hear from you on how we’re doing and where we should head.
We want you to enjoy time spent on this site. In support of our posts, playlists are linked to Spotify. There are links to other sites that we find interesting and helpful in finding new music and learning more about the artists we enjoy. There are polls and surveys available for you to have some fun and to express your opinions.
Let us know how we’re doing!