The following quote is from Paul Kantner, guitarist with Jefferson Airplane, taken in an interview with Mick Skidmore on March 25, 2003 (link here ).
“… I have been accused of writing things that no one can figure out what I am talking about, including myself. Art is always subjective and I don’t think you can really judge art on that basis. It does what it does. It’s really not up to you to judge the whys and wherefores of it. Rather just enjoy what it does for you. That’s still one of the charms of music for me. To this day nobody has figured out what it is, or why it works and we all know it works, but nobody knows. If they did they’d put out hit singles everyday of the week. Nobody can figure out what grabs people and why this record is good and this record isn’t good. They just know it internally that it does something for them, that it moves them. It strikes them in some fashion that they haven’t been struck before.”
This sums up listening to music for me. It is all so subjectively personal. While an artist can control what they write in lyrics and music, they cannot fully control how an individual listens & interprets it. Certainly, there can be a very clear message in the words of a song, but often lyrics are metaphorical or allegorical thus lending themselves to interpretation. That individual interpretation can be influenced by events occurring during listening to an album or song for the first time. And the interpretation can change over time as an individual matures or his/her circumstances change.
All these words just to say that the meaning of music is in the ear of the listener.
My thoughts on the music I’m sharing on this site are just that – mine. Your thoughts will certainly be different in many cases. This is all about sharing music and stories in the spirit of the love & enjoyment of music. RIP Paul Kantner.