Social Distortion – White Light, White Heat, White Trash

Social Distortion – White Light, White Heat, White Trash

You want some angry, loud, fast-paced rock?  Here you go, in spades.  It grabs you, surrounds you and lets you vent, then safely releases you back into society.

This came out in 1996.  I had not heard of Social Distortion, but the CD cover was quite intriguing: the ventriloquist dummy & the title gave a sense that this wasn’t going to be a bit of granny’s parlour music.  That, and the fact that this was a used CD store and CD’s were going for 3 for $25 made it pretty much a risk free purchase.

I fell in love with the whole album.  Like a jigsaw puzzle, the songs fit well with my tastes.  It fits with the best angry punk of the late ’70’s.  It has a great wall of guitars that fit with the best hard rock songs.  It has some introspective songs such as “I Was Wrong” and “Down Here With the Rest of Us” that have really clicked with me relative to events of my past.  And it closes with a kicking version of “Under My Thumb”.

All in all, it’s a great listen end-to-end, and I always am energized by it.

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